True love and affection is worth its weight in gold, but it’s no substitute for self-love. And maybe learn to put yourself first every once in a while. Here are six ways that Type 2 personalities can ask for help when they need it most. Asking for reciprocity seems like such an important thing…but the words get stuck on your tongue. And you get mighty frustrated when others are not giving as much in return. You often feel like you need to give and give to ‘win’ the affection of the people in your life.
Your basic fear is feeling unloved and unlovable, and that puts a huge burden on your shoulders Type 2. What you’re not so great at? Asking for help in return. You can be extremely empathic and are genuinely happy to help. You’re kind, nurturing and loving and, no matter what life might throw at people, you’re there to bake cookies and lend an ear.
Enneagram Type 2 personalities are some of the best friends anyone can hope for.